/* /*]] */ James Axler - Death Lands - Keeper of the Sun
The bolt slid home and the lock clicked into action.
The shogun looked around the room. "We have been locked in," he said quietly.
Other than the main door and the high windows, the only way in or out of the ballroom would be through the rectangular air vents in the ceiling. , But they weren't big enough for access.
One of the sec men in the far corner of the huge room, directly below an air vent, suddenly began to cough. Ryan spun, seeing that two more soldiers had been stricken with coughing fits. He looked up at the air vents, a sudden dreadful suspicion filling his mind.
It was Mashashige who voiced the danger. "It is an attack with gas," he said with an almost insane calm.
"The ronin have trapped us like foxes in their den and will kill us with poison gas."
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This one is for Sue and Ann, connoisseurs of teashops and very good friends. In hope that they both succeed in finding the elusive gold at the rainbow's end.
First edition April 1996
ISBN 0-373-62531-6
Copyright 1996 by Worldwide Library.
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There are those who believe that the mysteries of Japan were discovered in the nineteenth century. This is fallacious thinking. The true mysteries of Japan have not yet been discovered. Nor will they ever be.
From Scouting in the East ,
by Sir Arthur Bowden-Powell,
Crest Press, Norwich, 1895